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What's your Monster? - An Interview with Sofia Gillani

Throughout the history of music, we have seen countless greats come from the UK - The Beatles, Elton John, Adele. Up and coming singer-songwriter Sofa Gillani is working hard to follow in the footsteps of her legendary predecessors.

From beginning her musical journey as a 9 year old starring in a production of Evita to having her releases showcased around London, Sofia has been working her way through the ranks to achieve her dreams within the music industry.

Following the release of Sofia's new single Monster, we sat down with the singer to discover her creative process, her musical inspirations, and her plans for the future.

You began your musical career at 9 years old when you began starring in musical theatre roles. Do you think starting out in such a theatrical role helped to dictate how you go about creating your music and music videos?

Oh definitely! The creative process of theatre, and the general love for performing and entertaining, made me love music so much that I wanted to make my own!

I'd have to say my time in musical theatre influenced my experimental tunes, playing around with dynamics and tone and such.

It allowed me to explore beyond commercial pop and just be funky, abstract, and bold (F.A.B) with it.

Everyone in music has artists that they saw as a kid that made them go, “That’s what I want to do too.” Who are those artists for you, and how have they inspired you so far in your career?

I'd have to say artists that inspire me would have to be the bands AJR, IDK HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME, and COIN. Their music is just so fun and interesting, and that's what I wanted to be!

Single artists would have to be Charlie Puth, emlyn, and Upsahl. I just love how they tell their stories through pop rock.

Your newest single is titled “Monster”. In your own words, can you explain the story behind the track?

Monster is about expressing yourself through the alter ego of what society deems as a 'monster'. It breaks music norms, as it is embalamatic of my personal power.

To me, it doesn't mean a stereotypical monster, just the obstacles in life which seem 'monsterous'. It is similarly bold and powerful to most of my music. However, the message has evolved to exploring ideologies past power and conflict to emotional intelligence.

It rises to the pedestal of owning your inner 'monster'. It is meant to bring out the best version of yourself, with one of the best messages: own it, even it scares people. It is strangely psychological but an exciting project to me!

You’re young, but you’re writing about serious and emotional ideas. Is it ever intimidating to be discussing such heavy topics?

Not really - my songs are part of my life. I don't see then as intimidating if they're personal to me.

“Monster” is actually your seventh single to be released. How would you say it differs from your other recent singles like “Won’t Be One” or “Flames”?

It is definitely darker, and it has a storyline to it! I'm a horror fanatic so this definitely indulged the gore-aesthetic that I've wanted to try! Rest assured, I am always experimenting, so not one song is the same!

What does your creative process look like? From the writing to the recording to the music video production, what do you go through behind the scenes before a release?

I'd have to say my creative process is always so different. There's no actual formula to it. It develops organically through my feelings and inspiration that day.

Writing all of your own music, you clearly are finding your voice more and more with each release. What would you say is the core message you hope to leave audiences with after they’ve heard your music?

I'd have to say my main message is to just love life. Love its complexities and its abnormalities and just go with the flow!

I want to spread joy, but also entertain and bring a bold, Pakistani girl singer into the R&B and pop region! I want my audience to relate and interpret my music in their own way but also recognise my funky statements and style in general.

We’re almost at the halfway point of 2023 already. What does the rest of the year look like for you, and what can fans keep an eye out for?

I am releasing a new single in June! Later on from that release, I will be releasing an EP! I won't give any spoilers, but it is very exciting!

I'm also looking forward to doing some shows internationally this year and spreading more of my messages and music!

With a grit that balances the soul of R&B with the sound of modern pop, Monster is appealing to lovers of raw emotion and commanding beats.

Although the road to success is long, it is one that Sofia Gillani is walking with hope, confidence, and passion that will take her far.

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1 commentaire

18 mai 2023

Sofia has so much natural talent, along with her parents guideness she will most definitely reach the heights to make her an International star.

John Apthorpe.

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